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SharePoint Online: What really happens when you click unfollow/follow site buttons

So, I'm back for the first post this year after quite a break, I can't believe it's 2019 already and Dubai 2020 Expo is only one year away. I don't live in Dubai anymore but I remember thinking of 2020 as the far future.
without further ado , let deep dive in this blog post topic:

What happens really when you unstar or star a SharePoint online site on the SharePoint home page . I presumed - naive me- that endpoint call to follow APIs is triggered, but as my naivety has been proven many times before, specially when I thought that modern news webpart using Search Analytics to display view count (turns out to get it from an endpoint  https://{your-region}, read more about this here

Similarly, follow and unfollow website use similar endpoint.

Firstly, let's see when we unstar an already followed site what happened. A POST request will be fired as below

This request has the usual header information in addition to that a Bearer token which looks like the below after decoding the base64 and remove the signing bits at the end.

The function is used to update the followed site status is called sendSiteFollowingUpdateRequest, and takes three arguments, the first one is an object contains whether the site is followed or not, and the site card item information.

Next, let's try to understand how the aforementioned bearer token has been obtained, by looking at the session storage I can locate that the same token is saved as "ms-oil-datasource-SpHomeApiDataSource" in the session storage as below:

by going through the code I can see that it has been obtained by a simple POST request to the endpoint _api/SP.OAuth.Token/Acquire with the proper digest value.

maybe one day we will have full documentation for the webservices and what kind of first party functionality is been exposed there.

these finding is only accurate at the time of the writing of this blog as these are not publicly available versioned APIs, use them at your own discretion and preferably not outside of a POV.
