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OfficeDev: Don't build your own notification engine, use the exiting one

blur, close-up, code
If you take a look at the Office 365 top navigation bar, you will notice a nice notification bell next to the gear icon. I've seen a lot of developers trying to re-invent the wheel and build their own notification user interface which eventually becomes very confusing for the end users. to be honest I've done that in the past but on SharePoint 2013 on premises and my excuse was there was no "out of the box" notification engine.

let's first take a step back and see how notification works in Office 365 "to be more precise in outlook web access".

If we take a sneak peek into the request sent while a native Office 365 page is loading you will find this interesting request to
outlook notification endpoint

Which describes a single type of notification performed by outlook web app (pulling notification). If you look more carefully into the requests sent you will also find a subscribe to notification POST request. Interestingly enough, it subscribe to five different types of notification events:
  • HierarchyNotification
  • ReminderNotification
  • NewMailNotification
  • SocialActivityNotification
  • SuiteNotification
And a sixth one,  with prefix "RowNotification trailed by a base64 encoded string which seems to be guid encoded (to be honest I didn't spend anytime trying to figure out what this guid represents)

To understand the various subscription models in outlook there is a great article at , a more recent read also can be found at

In order to use the built-in notification engine in Office 365 we need to create a new entity of the which the Office 365 web interface already subscribed to. However, we don't want to create a lot of unnecessary noise by having our notification objects lurking as annoying meeting request or emails.

After a quick thinking, I've chosen to create the notification as an outlook task, the good news is Microsoft graph already has a beta endpoint enables you to create an outlook task

 The trick here as you can guys see , is to enable reminder by setting two value isReminderOn to true and to set the reminderDateTime if you do that when the reminder time approaches you will have a nice popup notification using the native notification engine.
The task notification will appear in the second div in the notification roaster which is reserved to the reminders (both events and tasks)

The mechanics 

 Basically a periodic  post request to the url is being triggered to get any notification the outlook web app subscribed to using an earlier POST request

When a change occurs specially in the case of our task a subsequent call to to get the actual reminder items ,which will be renders as below
and Voila! you can use outlook tasks as custom notification item with no front end customization at all

Basic botframework Yeoman generator

I think it's about time to talk about botframework generator I wrote around Jan this year (2017). since April, 2016 I'm fascinated by what Microsoft's botframework can do.  I wrote a three part blog post- describing in details how to build an office assistant utilizing both Microsoft botframework and LUIS (language understanding intelligent services), for more details have a look here.

Earlier this year I was trying to speed up the scaffolding process of bot development using botframework and to be more precise I was focusing on the nodejs version of the sdk. In a day or so I ended up building a basic Yeoman generator that generates three types of sample bots which similar to the same choices you will get using the azure bot service.

The generator is not a very sophisticated one, in a matter of fact it's a very basic "attempt" so far and I to start adding more templates. One template I think about is a bot that is Office365-aware bot.

The node package is published almost 7 months ago @ and it can be installed using

After the installation what you really need is to create a new directory and run the following command

Then you will be guided through simple steps to generate the skeleton of your bot, it will first ask you to specify the name of the bot then the author
Then you will have to provide the location of the generated files.

after that, here comes the main decision which type of bot you want, which is one of three templates, for simplicity we will choose an echo bot which is basically reply back exactly the user's message.

 After the generator is done with generating the seed of your bot you can either update it add your own logic and make it more than just basic skeleton or you can easily choose to run the generated code and connect to it using the emulator and start playing around with it. If you choose to run it this what exactly you will get.

The end-to-end process will take less than 3 minutes to install, generate and run your bot. I'm currently in the process to add more templates to the generator , any contribution is very appreciated
code can be found at