Outlook Add-in Attach Files from Dropbox

On Outlook
In this post I will walk you through how to create a simple Outlook Add-in which will allow you to attach files from your dropbox account. What you will need is:
- Sublime or Visual Studio Code (No need for Visual studio)
- Office Generator follow instructions @ https://github.com/OfficeDev/generator-office to make it works
- Dropbox Account to create Dropbox App
- Client Library for dropnox API you can found it @https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-js
- Create an Empty directory and run Yo Office
- follow the instructions as in my previous post here
- What we will create is the following:
- An Angular Service to read dropbox Directory
- An Angular Directive to use the service and render the files
- Directive Isolated scope will have the following properties:
- Dir : represents the root directory default to "/"
- receiverUrl: redirect url (has to match one of the redirect urls in the dropbox developer app definition)
- clientId: dropbox app key
- template: url to the template
- The directive will use the DropboxAPI service to load the files initially from the root directory.
- The directive will watch for any change in the "dir" property and we will use this to refresh the file list when clicking on a folder.
- This is How the Add-in works.
I'm polishing the code and it will be available soon on github happy Office Development.