Provider Hosted Application Token not sent along with the standard tokens
I've recently updated one of my SharePoint 2013 apps , after deploying the new version to the test environment I keep getting weird errors , when I viewed the URL I noticed that there is no token passed by to the provider hosted application:
to make sure that the client context will be successfully retrieved via the method
make sure that the deployed application contains the correct client id and secret you created via Seller dashboard
how to create new client id please review the previous post
I checked the updated Web.config and I discovered that the Client Id and client secret are both empty
<appsettings><add key="ClientId" value=""> <add key="ClientSecret" value=""> </add></add></appsettings>
to make sure that the client context will be successfully retrieved via the method
public static string GetContextTokenFromRequest(HttpRequest request){ string[] paramNames = { "AppContext", "AppContextToken", "AccessToken", "SPAppToken" }; foreach (string paramName in paramNames) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Form[paramName])) return request.Form[paramName]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.QueryString[paramName])) return request.QueryString[paramName]; } return null; }
make sure that the deployed application contains the correct client id and secret you created via Seller dashboard
how to create new client id please review the previous post
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